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Doanh nghiệp Kuwait cần tìm đối tác Tổng thầu EPC (dầu, khí, hóa dầu, điện)

Doanh nghiệp Kuwait có 55 năm kinh nghiệm quốc tế, cần tìm đối tác là Tổng thầu EPC Việt Nam trong lĩnh vực dầu, khí, hóa dầu và nhà máy điện. Nội dung tiếng Anh dưới đây.

We/Thuwainy Group are very keen to work with Vietnam based companies for the following areas:-. EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) companies for Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Power Plants Projects + Manufacturer’s for various Industrial Equipment’s for Oil Sectors and Power Sectors, including Pumps, Transformers, Switchgears, UPS, Valves, etc. Please let us know any of Vietnam based experienced companies would be interested for Kuwait Market through you/us. About our organization, we act as an Agent in Kuwait for many large International Companies. To know more about our organization, we invite you to please visit our website www.thuwainy.net whereby you will get all the details about our company, activities, and projects which we have done through our various principals from the different countries.

For Thuwainy Trading Co. KSCC , Kuwait

Tel : 00965-22460550/22461287,

Extn: 221 Fax: 00965-22409219/22428868

E-mail: thuwainy@thuwainy.net

Web. www.thuwainy.net

Trường hợp cần hỗ trợ, đề nghị liên hệ với Tham tán Lê Bá Ngọc,

Email: lebangoc11@yahoo.com, kw@moit.gov.vn

hoặc mobile/Whatup +965 67739067

Thương vụ Việt Nam tại Kuwait

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